Department Staff

dr hab. inż. Tomasz Korbiel

PhD in technical sciences in the discipline of machine construction and operation (2005). Topic of the thesis: The Barkhausen phenomenon as a carrier of diagnostic information.

Postdoctoral degree in engineering and technical sciences (2020). Dissertation: “Selected issues of construction of monitoring systems in mechanical engineering”.

Scientific interests:

– Machine operation issues with particular emphasis on technical diagnostics and monitoring systems

– Processing of measurement signals. Both on the software and hardware side. Design and construction of data conditioning systems.

-Monitoring systems. From the processes of obtaining data, through their processing, reporting, to the redistribution of information.

– Modern data processing systems. From Arduino, through ARM processors to embedded systems. Projects, implementations, research. Development of input systems and power supply including Energy harvesting.

– Environmental research, monitoring of environmental parameters. Noise, dust, level of hazardous substances (TLV), etc.

– Parasseismic vibration testing, vibration isolation, noise protection

– Vibration isolation solutions for machines and devices.
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