
Seminarium 03.06.2024 godz. 11.30

Szanowni Państwo,    

uprzejmie zapraszam na seminarium naukowe w dniu 3 czerwca 2024 (s. 103, godz. 11.30),  na którym zaprezentowane zostaną wyniki prac badaczy z Uniwersytetu w Ferrarze.

  • Topic: Acoustic research in University of Ferrara – presentation of research possibilities and recent achievements
  • Authors: Andrea Santoni, Patrizio Fausti
  • Presenter: Andrea Santoni
  • Abstract: Applied Physics & Acoustics Research Group is a part of the Engineering Department of the University of Ferrara. The presentation will highlight the recent scientific achievements and projects held by the Acoustics Group in the field of acoustics and vibroacoustics. The research laboratory and measurements possibilities will be presented, including the acoustic material testing, reverberation chamber measurements, coupled reverberation chambers measurements, and coupled semi-anechoic-reverberation chambers. The research interests of the Acoustics team cover a wide range of topics, including acoustic metamaterials, noise and vibration control, active noise control, and building and architectural acoustics. The presentation will cover the recent scientific achievements of the team with the highlight of the possible collaboration between the University of Ferrara and AGH University.

Z poważaniem,

Krzysztof Kosała
Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Robotyki AGH
Katedra Mechaniki i Wibroakustyki, pok. 207A, paw. D1
Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków
tel. +48 12 617 36 72